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SPACEs are Big Timeâs version of Virtual Land. SPACE enables players to expand their Personal Metaverse and connect Workshops.
Expanding the Personal Metaverse
Connecting Workshops (Forges, Armories & Time Wardens)
Placing Decoration Collectibles
Hosting friends
Acquiring Cracked Hourglasses
Purchase from the Open Loot Marketplace
The issuance amounts in the table below are immutable and will never change.
Within each SPACE, there is a Single Entrance and Multiple Exits. For players who want to connect their SPACE to their Personal Metaverse, they will need to use that SPACE's Entrance.
Players can connect multiple SPACEs to one another to further expand their Personal Metaverse.
To connect two SPACES, an Entrance needs to be attached to an Exit.
Exits are also used to connect Workshops to the SPACE.
The number of Exits depends on the SPACE Rarity and size.
SPACE comes in various Rarities and Sizes. Larger SPACE will allow players to connect more Workshops, place more Decoration Collectibles, and host more friends in their SPACE.
Higher Rarity Workshops are only attachable to Higher Rarity SPACEs.
Some Higher Rarity Decoration Collectibles are only attachable to Higher Rarity SPACEs, and some may require certain sizes of SPACE (e.g. A giant Dinosaur Skeleton may require a Large SPACE).
Higher Rarity SPACEs have a higher chance of dropping a Higher Quality Cracked Hourglass in them.
On the other hand, SPACE Sizes determines the quantity of Cracked Hourglasses that can spawn in that SPACE. The larger the size, the higher the chance of getting more than one Cracked Hourglass.
SPACE comes with a different internal configuration that determines:
The placement of area-specific features
The locations of the Exits
The theme of each SPACE (e.g. Egyptian, Arthurian, etc.)
SPACE comes âWrappedâ. Players know the rarity and size of their wrapped SPACE, but do not know the internal configuration or theme until it is "Unwrapped". Once a SPACE is unwrapped the internal configuration is Permanent.
Players may sell wrapped or unwrapped SPACE on the Open Loot Marketplace.
Renting is an important part of the Big Time economy, and we will release more information on Renting in the future.
Key things we want to achieve with the Renting System: