Postcards Airdrop
Last updated
Last updated
We would like to let you know that we're extending the Postcard redemption airdrop cut-off date to November 20th. This gives you extra time to ensure your postcard redemptions are all set.
We're committed to making this process as seamless as possible and look forward to seeing more of you participate!
The postcard redemption tool has been updated to allow for single postcard redemptions to contribute towards the Postcard airdrop. For the postcard airdrop, we will factor in redemptions that have been made up until the cut-off date of 11/6/2023 so make sure to redeem those postcards before that date to be eligible for the airdrop! The airdrop will be sent out shortly after the cut-off date!
Big Time postcards were among the earliest collectibles we offered, and we want to express our gratitude to all our supporters, particularly those who've been with us from the start.
During our Economy Reveal, we ensured to incorporate a special Airdrop reward for all our postcard holders and now, we're eager to share the specifics of these rewards with you.
Give a special reward to players who have completed and redeemed a full set of postcards.
Add a representation for the Postcard Collectibles in-game by making them a SPACE decoration collectible.
Add a reward for players who did not complete a set but own multiple postcards.
To be eligible for this reward, players need to fulfill any of the below criteria:
Redeem a full set of postcards.
Redeem 20 postcards (any cards, no set completion required)
Time's End Set
X1 Loyalty Platinum Mystery Box
X1 Grand Gift Mystery Box
X1 Time Warden Gift Mystery Box
Paradox Set
X1 Loyalty Gold Mystery Box
X1 Deluxe Gift Mystery Box
X1 Time Warden Gift Mystery Box
Syphon Set
X1 Loyalty Gold Mystery Box
X1 Deluxe Gift Mystery Box
X1 Time Warden Gift Mystery Box
Infinity Vault Set
X1 Loyalty Silver Mystery Box
X1 Bonus Gift Mystery Box
X1 Time Warden Gift Mystery Box
Any 20 Postcards
X1 Loyalty Bronze Mystery Box
X2 Bonus Gift Mystery Box
Loyalty Mystery Boxes will have four tiers, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each box will have these rewards in them:
Cosmetic Decoration: A portrait of one of the postcards to hang in your Personal Metaverse!
Time Crystals: Special in-game currency used for crafting and other premium activities.
Cosmetic Title: A high-rarity title that is themed around the postcards.
Each Loyalty Mystery Box will contain the following:
X1 Title
X1 Decoration
Epic: 25%
Legendary: 75%
Mythic: 25%
Exalted: 75%
X1 Title
X1 Decoration
Rare: 20%
Epic: 35%
Legendary: 45%
Legendary: 27%
Mythic: 55%
Exalted: 18%
X1 Title
X1 Decoration
Rare: 30%
Epic: 50%
Legendary: 20%
Epic: 32%
Legendary: 50%
Mythic: 13%
Exalted: 5%
X1 Title
X1 Decoration
Rare: 61%
Epic: 27%
Legendary: 12%
Epic: 65%
Legendary: 29.5%
Mythic: 3.5%
Exalted: 2%
When will I receive this airdrop?
We will announce the time of the Airdrop later on, note that we will have a cut-off period where redemptions after a specific date won't be rewarded with airdrops, we will make sure to announce the cut-off date 30 days in advance to give players a chance to redeem their postcards.
If I redeemed my cards before the announcement, am I eligible?
Yes, everyone who redeems their postcards before and after the announcement will be eligible. Note that we will announce a cut-off period for this program at least one month before that takes place.
If I redeemed a set, will that count towards the 20 postcards redeemed? Yes, redeeming a set, will count as 6/20 for the “any 20 postcard” redemption.
Does each player get only one Airdrop reward? No, the amount of rewards that you could get depends on how many complete redemptions you fulfilled, a complete redemption can either be a full set or 20 postcards. For example, if a player redeemed two sets, and a total of 40 postcards, they would be eligible for four airdrop rewards.
If only four Postcards will be made into collectibles, which ones will they be? This will be either determined by the development team or resolved via a voting poll.
How come you don't make a collectible for each postcard? Doing that would result in an additional 90k of collectibles to be added to circulation and at this point that would not be beneficial for the ecosystem. So adding only four postcards, with a max supply of 8,000 is a reasonable solution to have a representation for the Postcards in-game without oversupplying the marketplace.
What If I don't own a full set and I don't own 20 postcards? Unfortunately, that won't make you eligible for any of the reward tiers assigned.
Can I keep my postcards and still get a reward? No, to be eligible, the postcards need to be redeemed which means burnt through Openloot's redemption tool.
What will happen to the unclaimed rewards? Once the program is delivered, any unclaimed rewards will be kept in Big Time’s vault. Most vaulted collectibles can be used later on for other events as the development team sees fit.
Why are you giving away gift mystery boxes, aren't those for the gift mystery box airdrop program? Players who owned postcards, technically own Big Time collectibles and missed out on a couple of months of airdrop rewards, so adding the gift boxes here compensates for the missed time.
If I bought one of the hats that was the reward of a Postcard set redemption, am I eligible for the airdrop?
No, the airdrop reward is only targeted for players who redeemed the cards as this is a part of their reward.